Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is vital to site safety, especially in construction. Here at BND Abrasives, we stock a wide range of head, hearing, eye, and respiratory protection, as well as other key pieces of site equipment to keep your team safe on site. Shop the range of equipment from UCI, 3M, and Zidac today.

Choosing the right PPE for construction sites

Construction site PPE ensures the safety of workers and visitors on-site. By minimising risk and ensuring that the correct site safety equipment is worn on a building site, workers' safety will be secure. Depending on the site and the safety assessment carried out by your employer, different pieces of equipment will be required.

At BND Abrasives, we stock an extensive range to help keep your team safe on-site. Got questions about the right equipment for you? Contact BND Abrasives to discuss your needs.

Hand and arm protection

Working with power tools and similar equipment often mean using protective gloves to prevent harm to your hands and arms. Cut-resistant gloves are made from high-cut resistant fibres created by blending soft nylon and synthetic yarns. This minimises the risks posed by blades. For those working with vibrating power tools such as pneumatic drills, anti-vibration gloves will reduce the effects of vibrations on the body and prevent jarring movement.


Protective eyewear is essential for any site where debris could cause problems. This might be a result of sanding, sawing, grinding, and more. Safety glasses and goggles fit surely over the face and often have features such as anti-fog and an anti-scratch coating to improve visibility.

Hearing protection

Construction and building sites are loud, and for sites where extra protection is required to control noise, hearing protection is vital. The right protectors will reduce the noise level at the ear to around 85 dB. This will ensure the ideal level of noise reduction without overprotection, which could lead to communication difficulties and potentially missing warning signals. 3M hearing protection is recognised as one of the industry leaders.

Respiratory protection

Respiratory protective equipment, referred to as RPE, is designed to minimise risks posed by a variety of hazards in working environments. Including items such as the 3M maintenance-free half-mask, RPE protects against organic vapour and hazardous particles to keep your team safe.

Hand sanitiser and cleaning products

Hand sanitiser is essential for sites with high footfall and a lack of washing facilities. While the vast majority of sites will have access to bathrooms with sinks, some may not. Hand sanitisers and cleaning products can minimise the spread of bacteria.

Site safety equipment

Job site safety equipment (SSE) is a vital part of building and construction work. It ensures the safety of all on-site workers, minimising risk and giving your team the best tools and equipment to complete their jobs. SSE covers a range of items from slip-resistant tape to high-visibility clothing.

Free delivery on orders over £100 from BND Abrasives

PPE regulations can change, meaning that keeping up-to-date with rules and managing risk with the right personal protective equipment is essential. We stock PPE and site safety equipment to help ensure that your construction or building site meets the necessary requirements.

When you spend more than £100 on PPE and site safety equipment with BND Abrasives, you get free delivery, helping you save on shipping costs. With next-day delivery available on all mainland UK orders, you can get the order sooner rather than later.


What does PPE mean?

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment and is used to refer to specialised clothing or equipment worn by people, typically employees, to protect against infectious materials. PPE is vital in construction to protect workers.

What counts as PPE?

Personal Protective Equipment covers a range of items from gloves and gowns to masks, respirators, and hand sanitiser. It helps organisations manage risks in the workplace and on-site to ensure the safety and security of workers.

What PPE must be worn on a construction site?

The required PPE for a construction site will depend on the work being completed, and your employer will assess the work first to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to minimise risks. Often, this will require workers on-site to wear safety helmets, eye protection, high visibility clothing, gloves, and the appropriate footwear.

What is the purpose of hand sanitiser?

Hand sanitiser is a convenient and quick way to kill bacteria on the hands when handwashing facilities aren’t available. This can sometimes be on worksites with limited facilities, so an antibacterial hand sanitiser can be hugely helpful.